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iTrader - Order Processing Systems
Customer Enquiry, Photo Offer /Quotation, SC, PI, P/O, Invoice, Packing List, Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping, CRM, etc.
iManufactory - Manufacturing Systems
Order Processing System, Manufacturing Order, Job Order, BOM, MRP, CRP, Production Plan, Inventory Control, Production Payroll, etc.
iFinance - Financial Systems
Customer Leger, Supplier Leger, General Leger, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, T/B, Cashflow, etc.
iAnalyzer - Analysis System for CEO
Sales Analysis, Purchase Analysis, Shipment Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Forecast Analysis, Stock level analysis, Business Analysis, etc.
iGlobalPortal - Global Portal Systems
The web portal for Vendor, Buyer, QC company and Marketing Company.
Auto E-Mail Alert - Order / Shipment Reminder
To automatically remind factory for shipment, customer for payment, warehouse for reorder level, etc.
EDI Link - Link with global buyers
Link with your global buyers/vendors such as Target, Wal-Mart, Wool worths, JC Penny, Best Buy, etc.
EAI Link - Link with business partners
Link with SAP system and the systems for Carrefour, BCBG group or your business partners, etc.
Human Resources Management (HRM)
To provide employee management and the related payroll management.
Project Development Management (PDM)
To Handle Internal and client projects, Centralize internal communication, Upload and share files, etc.
iShop - For retail and distributors
POS system for salesperson to enquire the price, stock, daily sales, etc.
CRM - Business Activities Monitoring
For any business activity, which are related to customers namely, marketing, sales, customer service and field support, etc.

Automatic Alert System

iTrader Email Alert System will be a major part of automation for your company. During the business mapping and workflow study session Oriental consultant will assist your team to determine critical path and point and alert escalation path etc. This approach can avoid human error or error caused by unforeseen incident. For example missing order caused by maternity leave or employee turnover etc. Moreover study show this approach can shorten lead time by up to 15% in general.
System administrators have high degree of flexibility to define Alert which is suitable for internal or external operation with Oriental’s consultant assistance.

Features of system alert:

  • Help users to track the progress and status of all trading processes and activities until the full completion of a trade transaction
  • Can be used as a reminder about shipment activities, production processes, inspection dates, reordering of products and others through the use of e-mail facility
  • It includes quotation, order enquiry, purchase order, production, shipping, Q/C date, invoice and goods delivery.
  • It can send the email automatically and remind the system administrator whether the email is sent successfully.
Your company also can consider pushing this alert to SMS mode if necessary.

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