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iTrader - Order Processing Systems
Customer Enquiry, Photo Offer /Quotation, SC, PI, P/O, Invoice, Packing List, Debit Note, Credit Note, Shipping, CRM, etc.
iManufactory - Manufacturing Systems
Order Processing System, Manufacturing Order, Job Order, BOM, MRP, CRP, Production Plan, Inventory Control, Production Payroll, etc.
iFinance - Financial Systems
Customer Leger, Supplier Leger, General Leger, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, T/B, Cashflow, etc.
iAnalyzer - Analysis System for CEO
Sales Analysis, Purchase Analysis, Shipment Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Forecast Analysis, Stock level analysis, Business Analysis, etc.
iGlobalPortal - Global Portal Systems
The web portal for Vendor, Buyer, QC company and Marketing Company.
Auto E-Mail Alert - Order / Shipment Reminder
To automatically remind factory for shipment, customer for payment, warehouse for reorder level, etc.
EDI Link - Link with global buyers
Link with your global buyers/vendors such as Target, Wal-Mart, Wool worths, JC Penny, Best Buy, etc.
EAI Link - Link with business partners
Link with SAP system and the systems for Carrefour, BCBG group or your business partners, etc.
Human Resources Management (HRM)
To provide employee management and the related payroll management.
Project Development Management (PDM)
To Handle Internal and client projects, Centralize internal communication, Upload and share files, etc.
iShop - For retail and distributors
POS system for salesperson to enquire the price, stock, daily sales, etc.
CRM - Business Activities Monitoring
For any business activity, which are related to customers namely, marketing, sales, customer service and field support, etc.

EDI / EAI System

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

The iTrader EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Module can provide your company a significant improvement in international trade communications. Its main function is to provide, efficient and accurate communication technologies to transfer vital information among all parties involved in the trading process.

It allows effective and reliable exchange of data from your own database to your clients’ database.

Oriental has long and solid experience of working with ISPs and EDI solution provider such as “GSI” and “Core Solutions” to provide structural innovations of company data to follow your clients’ preset “protocol”. Thus, the EDI module facilitates communication and automatic transfer of information among respective organizations. iTrader can provide document and message of global standards.

After integrating with iTrader Order Processing System, all the related documents could be generated, such as invoices, purchase orders, packing lists and others which can be electronically transmitted to customers or suppliers via EDI.

EAI( Enterprise Application Interface)

iTrader EAI( Enterprise Application Interface) is an ideal long term cost saving solution as compare to EDI solution. Since the cost of EDI solution will be mainly depends on the charges on the third party services provider therefore the variable cost would be much higher as compared to EAI solution. Based on the internal business analysis, you company should should also consider the option of EAI which have system integration with major business partners, so called a coupling system. The benefits of this approach including but not limit to enhancement of business relationship between your company and your business partners as well as enjoying a long term cost saving for both parties on labor cost and EDI services charges. Oriental has empirical experience to integrate with system like SAP and Oracle for listed company like Wells Fargo Bank and Groupe SEB.

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